yu ying chang's profile

Farlin Exhibition

Bon Bon Bowl
/ Feeding Time
/ 6m~12m+
左右手都可以用 ! 聰明好設計,左右手都合適全部都可以收起來 ! 外出攜帶不占空間任何地方都可以黏 ! 矽膠材質吸盤可以黏貼光滑桌面超強功能兩用
蓋 ! 醫療級矽膠製成,柔軟的特性,可以緊緊浮貼著碗與桌子任由寶貝自己吃飯。人體工學把手設計貼心好功能餵食時可以穩固的握取,不怕翻倒。

Bentoo Box
/ Feeding Time
/ 6m~12m+
BENTOO BOX為專業幼兒餐具食器,針對不同成長階段所需,提供7 IN 1的整體安全設計餐具,以安全無毒的材質製成不含BPA、Phthalate、PVC),為寶貝健康把關,陪伴寶寶成長的每一天一套多組整合性餐具,方便收納不占空間,多功能分裝保溫盤,讓料理看得可口、聞淂美味。

Among many brands, Taiwan’s Farlin has shone at the Cologne exhibition for over 10 years.  Because of its unique and distinctive image, Farlin is still misunderstood as a European brand by new customers from time to time.  The design for the current exhibition is an exclusive "magenta" which is used to highlight the brand’s gentle and firm features.  At the same time, it is matched by a yellow and green glass color in a large exhibition space to display the diversification and internationalization features of Farlin’s product development.

Farlin Exhibition

Farlin Exhibition
