The color of dying
Why do we celebrate the beginnings of life yet curse and fear the natural, logical result of it? 
Considering the inevitable nature of death, we spend an inordinate amount of life preoccupied with stalling or stopping its advance; blinding ourselves to an understated, yet definite, beauty that manifests itself at the end of every living creature's existence.
The color of dying, No. 1​​​​​​​
An early frost​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 2​​​​​​​
Bullet riddled, rusted​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 5​​​​​​​
The view from down here​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 8​​​​​​​
The dying light of an autumn afternoon​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 9
Puddled petal​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 10​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 11​​​​​​​
Corrosion, creeping​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 13​​​​​​​
Iron, in its autumn​​​​​​​
The color of dying, No. 17​​​​​​​
All photos: (c) opyright  2015-2017  Alex C. Dembicki
The color of dying


The color of dying

Why do we celebrate the beginnings of life yet curse and fear the natural, logical result of it? Considering the inevitable nature of death, we s Read More
