Almari - By Aastha

Almari - By Aastha

Brand Story :
Almari is a Indian Ethnic clothing store located in India. "Almari" is a Hindi (Indian National Language) word for "Almirah". Almirah is a closet used to mainly keep clothes in India. So 
basically Almari brand is a huge closet of Ethnic Indian Wear Cloths.

Conceptualisation :
After a lot of scribbling and brainstorming the logo of Almari came into existence. The logo is kept typographical and has a rich feel just because India ethnic clothes are mostly used for huge Celebrations like weddings and Almari focuses on styling wedding clothes.
The letter 'I' has a hanger placed in it which is another important element of Almirah. The font is particularly kept flowing because store focuses on keeping women's wear.

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Almari - By Aastha