Being homeless means being unable to acquire or maintain safe, secure and adequate housing. Homelessness can also mean lack in consistency of a fixed night time residence. Domestic violence is the leading cause of women and children becoming homeless in Australia. They are put in this unfortunate position due to escaping perpetrators on a sudden basis with no control over their money or assets. Essentially they are left with no financial aid, physical and emotional impairment from abuse and sole responsibility for their children’s lives. Women that have escaped with children are left more unlikely to find accommodation due to the amount of room in shelters. The space, if accepted is very small and invasive. This tends to inflict fear of re-victimization among women, as they feel vulnerable from previous circumstances.

The aim of this project was to tackle the root of DV leading to homlessness. That is; getting away from the perpetrator safely, with support. This magazine attempts to provide a temporary, secure casing for a victims financial and personal information documents. The accessability and safety elements of this product are represented through system design and the idea of being 'hidden in plain sight'. This product is not a solution, but a starting point to finding another home rather than instantly resorting to the streets.

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