REadyMADE Line Lamp is an eco-friendly project rewarded with an Istituto Europeo di Design scholarship on the competition Creative Diary, for the task Design (for) Emergency.

      REadyMADE in this concept “Design for Emergency” is seen in mode- creating forms with an everyday neccessary utility, in a fast way with materials and objects that are within reach. When there is “emergency” it is automatically refered to the lack of time to do something, and this is my way of handeling those situations. To react urgent with the stuff that are offered in our surrounding and to quickly make a functiuonal design.
      This is also an eco-friendly way of thinking, since for making this design I used objects that already exist and that represent useless waste. The waste must not be in uor surrounding but it has to reobtain his function through another type of an object. Therefore, for this design I used metal rectangular pipes (intersection 2x2cm, welded) that can bee found, nowadays, almost everywhere in uor surrounding- for example-old chair, old metal frames for lots of things, like bed construction, shelf constructions, fences, etc..
      Geometric sculptural futuristic forms are present, and also a very low cost production. It can be in multiple colour variations. These lamps can adapt for various function needs- they can be floor and desk lamps, they can apply as chandeliers and wall lamps as well. They are not big gabarites and therefore light and easy to move. The form is created through one line which frees the lamps from closed and cumbersome types and easily can adapt to corners and surfaces. The lamps have good various angles for adapting , and they can create very interesting light stripes  in interiors. The forms of all offered lamps I have shown can change  just by rotating the lamp (examples of variations of forms can be seen in the presentation). On the wall I also gave an exampe of lamp with a mobile conection that offers many possibilities for changing the wall appearance with only a minimalistic line appearance. Remote control for LED stripe is used for controling the light.
      This lamp concept represents handicraft products that can easily be made also further in industrial production. 
REadyMADE LineLamp

REadyMADE LineLamp

REadyMADE Line Lamp is an eco-friendly project rewarded with an IED scholarship and published at: Leggi di più
