Profiel van Qu Zhang

Numbers You Can Feel

Numbers You Can Feel
Midea water heaters are remarkably quiet while operating and also use the most precise thermostats for controlling water temperature. Many consumers have been reluctant to believe these claims, that is, until they try one. 

For this campaign our biggest challenge was convincing potential buyers just how outstanding these features are without getting a chance to demonstrate them in person.

Our goal was to give viewers a vivid way to understand Midea products’ benefits by comparing them to sensations that can be experienced easily and immediately. 

After close analysis of the product claims and target audience, we chose newspaper as the medium of choice.  The viewer could interact with a newspaper in ways to test and “experience” the product claims without causing damage to a more expensive device.  Also, since it is a copy-based ad, it seemed like a natural fit. 

For example, one ad makes the comparison that the amount of sound generated by turning a newspaper’s pages is even slightly higher than is made by a functioning Midea water heater. Readers can try for themselves and get a good idea of what to expect from the product.

Another ad informs viewers that Midea water heaters’ thermostats are so precise that their temperature can be controlled as subtly as the increase in heat generated by the reader rubbing his or her thumb across the page seven times.
By inviting potential buyers to “test” the products - if only virtually, or in their minds - we not only engaged them with the brand, but also gave them a true sense of the products’ benefits.
Turning this page generates roughly 40 decibels of sound. That’s louder than a working Midea Beverly Water Heater.
Rubbing your thumb across this page seven times increases its surface temperature 0.5 degrees celsius. That’s the subtle control you can expect from a Midea Beverly Water Heater.
Numbers You Can Feel


Numbers You Can Feel

Numbers You Can Feel Midea water heaters are remarkably quiet while operating and also use the most precise thermostats for controlling water te Meer lezen


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