Profil użytkownika „Eugenio Battaglini”

deModè _sfilata di moda indipendente

DeModè is an indipendent fashion event made by a creative collective named CaldeCorrentiChimiche.
I've made the video promo for the event, the web&graphic design and the artistic direction.

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Models: Sasha Padalko | Urszula Drozd
MakeUp: Ilaria Frasca
Music: GesamtKunstWerk

VideoTeam: Flavio Donnarumma, Dante Scardelletti, Tommaso Rotolo

Some photos of the fashion event
deModè _sfilata di moda indipendente

deModè _sfilata di moda indipendente

I've made this video to promote an indipendent fashion event. I've also made the soundtrack, the graphic design and the artistic Direction-
