Taking Steps - An App About Climate Change
This was a project that we undertook for Twisted Feet, a street dance company based in Gothenburg. In the summer of 2014 they were in the process of putting together their show , a show based on climate change, and aimed towards teenagers. 

We were tasked with creating a concept of a companion app for the show, one that was to get teens interested in acting sustainably. The project went through one phase of various types of research, and two major design iterations before finishing up.
One of the key characters in 5degrees was the AI, a giant Rubiks cube that represented a message from the future to the main character to change his behaviour, and save the world from apocalypse. For the concept, we latched onto this idea as a link between the show and the real world, using the cube as a gamified object in our app that gives the user challenges every day to act sustainably, and share those on social media to inspire others to do the same. 
In the app, each side of the cube contained 9 challenges, and the ultimate goal was for the user to complete all 54, earning badges along the way that would allow them to rise in the ranks among their friends. 
Our research took a three-pronged approach, working to understand Twisted Feet themselves, the subject area '8climate change and sustainability, and the future users (high-school students).
Taking Steps

Taking Steps


Kreativa områden