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Ekhtilaf Awareness Campaign (Positive Disagreements)

People view things from different perspectives, each condition, event, or discussion could mean different things to different people, and that is due to different beliefs, involvements, experiences, ethics, and much more factors As Anais Nin quoted “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”. Ekhtilaf is an awareness campaign that promotes the idea of positive disagreements and accepting different point of views.
The Awareness campaign uses art especially paintings as a tool to aware people , as paintings is the most thing that people agree to disagree on, each artist  draw his painting so people can interpret it differently, each person accept the fact that his interpretation on a painting could be right or not, and they respect if another person had different opinion than his, and this acceptance of different opinion is what we want it to be applied in our daily disagreements.
Campaign logo
Campaign logo measurements
The posters will contain massages that will guide the viewer to learn how to respect other people's different opinions,  these massages will be in a form of tips, Using slang language in the posters makes them more relative to the audience 

The guidance book will be distributed after the viewer see the whole booth and posters, this book is somehow interactive, it has some trainings and games that will make the topic easier for the reader, also it will include guidance and tips for the reader to follow to help him start respecting peoples opinions.
The cover will have squares that can be taken out, when the viewer takes out some of the squares from his book he will se something different from the other persons book, as each person will take out different squares and will see different parts from the picture underneath the cover.  
opening the picture underneath the cover there will be a massage saying " each person took the squares out from his own point of view, so each person saw a different thing, which is what always happens in our disagreements each person will see the topic from his point of view, but when we opened the cover all of us saw the same picture which is the complete picture, it doesn't mean that any of us is wrong it only means that we should see the full image in any discussion, and see it from different perspectives".
Photos from the exhibition
Behind the scenes
Ekhtilaf Awareness Campaign (Positive Disagreements)


Ekhtilaf Awareness Campaign (Positive Disagreements)

Ektilaf Awareness campaign is my capstone project for my senior year in Dar Al hekma University, the campaign uses art especially paintings as a Read More
