[Opening title] UTOPIA


Take out your fluorescent yellow markers, here is a student project for a generic of the series Utopia. Made in four days, we wanted to present a minimalist artistic direction to highlight the stifling atmosphere of the series without revealing the intrigue. 
Hope you like the result!

"The story follows a small group of people who find themselves in possession of the manuscript sequel of a cult graphic novel called The Utopia Experiments, which is rumoured to have predicted the worst disasters of the last century. This leads them to be targeted by an organisation known as The Network, which they must avoid to survive. Using the manuscript, they must uncover the meaning hidden in its pages before the disasters depicted become reality."

— Wikipedia —

Paul Chagnon    Weisun Chen    Maggy Nicot

[Opening title] UTOPIA

[Opening title] UTOPIA

Opening title of UTOPIA revisited during a motion design workshop.
