The local independent theatre Auãleu is preparing a new show named Miorita. But in the state of mind of us romanians isn't new at all. In fact it is almost embedded in cultural memory. Told in many ways Miorita seems to evoke the same feeling of resignation towards destiny, whatever it may bring, in any form, such as poverty, globalisation, consumerism or death.

The play is a musical, no words, just gestures and it sends the message perfectly. 
This illustration describes the moment of resignation and the atmosphere around that bringing the viewer straight to point almost like rubbing salt on the wound. Right there, as think we know why, this contemporary approach  on Miorita does miracles, and slowly educates the crowds, showing us  that although there are clear warnings we don't seem to be aware.
The poster is intended to be an artwork itself, letting anyone who wants it to cut the bottom part.
The custom font used for the distribution of the play adds value to the folkloric aspect of the poster. 

Although at first I made it in illustrator as a vector I decided to make it as a linocut. 
Because the feedback on the play was so good they decided that in this fall there will be a vinyl release with this play.
I have decided what I'll do on that but for now I'll leave here a test mockup. Fell free to share your thoughts.
Thank you!