Luke Gonet's profile

Earthbound Project

​​​​​​​After playing Earthbound / Mother 2 a few years ago I have worked on a series of HD facelifts. Goofy, psychedelic, and creepy. This project is ongoing and just for fun.

I have created only the high definition renders. The other images/gifs and songs are here only for immersion and comparison purposes, if you like that sort of thing. 
The Final Starman

- A recreation of the Super Nintendo Box Art - 

I love how this piece came out! All the vivid colors and swirling energy make this an appealing headache to look at. He always reminded me of the robot from "The day the Earth stood still." 
Original Earthbound Box Art
Earthbound / Mother 2 OST - Alien Invasion
The Place

- A recreation of the "Cave of the Past" area - 

This final area was desolate and lifeless both in visuals and music. Four powerfully gifted children are sent back in time to stop a demonic alien force. To do so they have their minds willingly put into robot bodies since their real bodies would deteriorate from time travel. I tried to capture these themes and the feeling of no return in the image.

Original Cave of the Past Area
Earthbound / Mother 2 OST - The Place
The Ghost of Starman

- A recreation of a ghostly shell of an enemy - 

Original Fight screen for Ghost of Starman
Earthbound / Mother 2 OST - Battle Against a Machine

- A recreation of the main antagonist - 

This piece didnt really come out how i imagined, but i drew a line in the sand and called it done for halloween. In my head I see this beast as more of a cloudy monster with a skull like face pushing out from it. He had no real body so it was up to interpretation. I used maya fluids to get the basic look and photoshoped from there. This picture doesnt feel shocking enough and id like to revisit it someday.
Original Giygas Boss Battle
Earthbound / Mother 2 OST - Giygas Stirs
Thank you so much for taking interest in my work! 

Luke Gonet 
Earthbound Project


Earthbound Project

A series of high definition tribute pieces to emphasize the creepy and psychedelic scenes in the Mother / Earthbound 16 bit Video games from the Read More
