Perfil de Brian PengPerfil de Yi-Jhen Wang

Packaging|Taiwan Miso 中港味噌

中港味噌承襲日本味噌的工藝技法, 手工釀造出臺灣黃豆與米的好滋味。臺中海線地區生產的高雄選十號黃豆, 搭配山線豐原的釀造技術。濃縮山風與海風所吹拂出的臺灣味, 是記憶中最熟悉的味道。
Taiwan Miso is made using craft techniques inherited from Japanese miso and is handcrafted with Taiwanese soybeans and rice. The Kaohsiung No. 10 (A kind of variety) soybeans, which produced in the coastal area of Taichung (A city located in central Taiwan), are combined with brewing techniques from the mountainous area of Fengyuan (A region in Taichung), resulting in a flavor that captures the essence of Taiwan's mountain and sea breezes, making it the most familiar taste in memory.

Project 專案|Taiwan Miso 中港味噌
Company 公司|Central Taiwan Agricultural Cooperative 保證責任臺中市中都農業生產合作社
Credits 作者|CTAC Design Lab ( Kuan-Lin Peng 彭冠霖、Yi-Jhen Wang 王藝臻 )

Packaging|Taiwan Miso 中港味噌

Packaging|Taiwan Miso 中港味噌

中都農業生產合作社的中港味噌,從生產到銷售一條龍包辦,在生產端部分,採用來自臺中海線的豆農們所種植出來的高品質高雄選10號大豆,再搭配山線豐原的加工技術,濃縮山風與海風所吹拂出的臺灣味,是記憶中最熟悉的味道。包裝設計以海浪作為出發點,深藍色的底傳達出臺中海線農民的堅強與不屈,並採用燙金的做 Leer más
