Perfil de Ya-Ning C

The Familiar and the Play

The Familiar and the Play: Witty Thinking in Product Design
A critic from the 19th century, William Hazlitt, once said: „Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.“ Some people might explain it in a way that wit is merely a seasoning. However, I regard wit as an asset, since life becomes more enjoyable and pleasant if you add a bit of spice to it. The main purpose of my master‘s thesis is to improve our mood in everyday life by infusing her wit into her products, thereby enriching our lives.
The theme „The familiar and the play“ stands for the two most important elements of wit. For a witty design, the key is to see the seemingly unrelated connections, between the familiar and the play. 
Three series of vases are all based on witty thinking, however, each is representing a different direction of the theme. The familiar part of these works is: The vases themselves, whereas the play part stands for the challenge of the vases‘ form (Esav), function (Vase O.) and setting (Vase Grounded).
Part of this series consists of old second-hand vases, another part of ones made for this purpose specifically. The purpose of the old vases is to represent the classic, non-witty type of vase, however, upon taking a closer look, it will become apparent, that they have witty attributes.
© 2017 Ya-Ning Chuang All Rights Reserved.
The Familiar and the Play
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The Familiar and the Play

Graduation project of Master degree at Applied Art and Design, Hochschule Düsseldorf Three Series of vases: Esav, Vase O. and Vase Grounded.

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