Opposites between movement, the building on earth seems to stay still and stars move, when actually it is the opposite way round.
"suburban jungle", the opposites being human creations (buildings) and nature living together
opposite perspectives, the same object but looked at from a different perspective, showing it in a different way
The human impact on nature again, a spider living amongst a graffiti'd area
Human impact on nature, appears to be a seat swing that has been left for a while in nature, and the weeds and plants have engulfed it, perhaps a metaphor that mother nature always wins?
opposites in movement, it looks like the outside is moving, when in fact it is us that is moving
20p coin found in the grass, I think this shows opposites because money is such an unnatural thing and has become such a massive part of every bodies lives 
Accident shot, but I felt like it was relevant because as photographers we are always looking to get the "perfect" shot and I feel like this sums up the opposite of that, as it doesn't really show anything apart from abstract shapes, swirls and colours


opposites project


Creative Fields