95 Theses is a documentary film project that will be released freely worldwide on October 31, 2017 to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the symbolic start of the Protestant Reformation. Instead of telling Martin Luther’s whole biographical story, the film incorporates interviews with theologians of different faith traditions, from Catholic to Anglican to Presbyterian to Lutheran to Agnostic. The 500th anniversary is really about Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses on October 31, 1517 – so, resisting the epic fanfare of other films, this one focuses on the document itself, and asks what it can tell us 500 years later. Combining lush cinematography from Luther’s trail in Wittenberg and Eisleben, with original + rapid-fire found footage of social and religious movements worldwide, this film includes an original score by experimental hip-hop artist Black Saturn, mashed up with styles ranging from cyberpunk to J.S. Bach, divining mass communication hysteria in the modern world. 95 Theses asks questions we can’t ignore, and takes a hard look at who we’ve become. Please sign up for e-mail updates to get notified when this independent film is ready to watch on a variety of platforms in 4K resolution: YouTube, Amazon and Vimeo.
95 Theses

95 Theses

95 Theses is a documentary film project that will be released freely worldwide on October 31, 2017 to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Se mer
