Wise and Wild
Stars are aligned. Or is it that what appears to be a constellation in the form of a bear, is some kind of spirit representation ? Or a magic funeral for the dead ? This surely has a connection with the strong man with bear claws. But on this bright night, the vagabond won't talk. He's burning the dead. Quietly.
Below, some pictures and techniques I used :
First I started with the man. I replaced his forearms with bear claws, then painted the transition up to his shoulders. I also turned those claws blue, and painted cyan tattoos on his back.

After this, I added the man to the environment photo I transformed into night (dark blue layer and luminosity/contrast settings). I added the torch. Around the fire, on the man and on the rocks nearby, I painted the lights coming from the torch.

With a color overlay, I gave the impression that his feet were underwater. Then, I created the torch fire and the man's reflect with copy, transform, overlay and opacity.

I finally replaced the clouds by a starry sky. Then, based on the lines, I created the bear constellation with stoke path and brush tools.
Wise and Wild

Wise and Wild

Matte painting done on my free time.
