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Hoppy Hammerhead Non-Profit Beer Design

'Hoppy Hammerhead' Non-Profit Beer Branding Design - *In Progress*
A beer designed with the critical conservation of sharks in mind. Ideally, a percentage of the profits from the purchase of this beer would be donated to a non-profit shark organization. As an undergraduate student surrounding by young adults and 'hipsters' who posses a love of love of both craft beer and changing the world, this beer was designed to attract a target audience majorly composed of young adults entering and out of college.
| THE DESIGN PROCESS | Initial Illustrations for the Hoppy Hammerhead beer label.
LEFT: A mockup of what the potential Hoppy Hammerhead beer label could look like. The border of the final beer label would be jagged, to reflect the teeth of a shark. Label currently being designed for a beer can and  smaller bottle as well;  

RIGHT: First rough sketches drawn for the Hoppy Hammerhead branding identity.

Hoppy Hammerhead Non-Profit Beer Design