Lead Graphic & UX Designer at EDUcycle - Winter 2017 
This project was part of The Integrative Design Project course at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where a group of ten students were asked to tackle and attempt to resolve an everyday issue present in our modern society. 
About EDUcycle
       "We are a team of nine skilled and determined young individuals with critical and creative skills and a passion for our environment. As a team, we decided on creating an educational free app, EDUcycle, specific to recycling in Mississauga. Learning from our research, we were able to refine and adjust our app design and functionality according to the most common issues with recycling such as language barriers, technical recycling terms, weak promotions and recycling education programs. The top issue with recycling that we focused most on is: residents being able to throw the right item into its corresponding recycling bin. These issues together potentially contribute to the landfill build up. 
Our idea came along as we brainstormed our everyday hassles and thought about the what we can do as a team to contribute towards our environment. While the idea of creating an educational app may seem rather small-scaled, we believe that small steps contributed by a mass of individuals holds a greater effect in the long-run for many reasons. Our app aims to: ​​​​​​​
- Educate 
- Promote 
- Encourage 
- and Raise Awareness on recycling in Mississauga."
The App
To discover the EDUcycle App further, visit the Invision Demo
EDUcycle App
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EDUcycle App

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