These images were taken last summer towards the end of the season.  I spent one afternoon capturing images of flowers around my property. Although most were either wilted or in the latter stages of wilting. I decided to challenge myself with making an unspectacular scene, spectacular. The trickiest part of this mini project was getting used to the exposure settings and understanding which worked best depending on the natural lighting coming from the sky. The photo editing part was very difficult because many of my captured images ended up either being too dark (due to slight overcast) or too bright and saturated (due to the direct sunlight).

This was a very eye opening exercise for myself. I learnt that not only does the content of your image narrate a story but also how you frame and present them makes a big difference. In my graphic design studies we were taught that to capture your own original images and use them without limitations is such a powerful tool. In the end I was able to repurpose these photos into another work that was chosen by a client, '2018 CISTA Student Diary'
©Tracy Ng. All rights reserved.