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I love to fly but I hate airports

Here are some  oddities while travelling and how to be institutionally robbed.

I am lucky enough to have a job and sometimes I even get to do some travelling! I usually travel by bus and train to get to an airport. They are boring and incredibly time consuming. Bus and train stations are mainly uncomfortable usually too cold and toilettes are smelly! 
Dublin Airport
So far so good...I had no major complains until I got to the security.

I have been travelling quite a lot. Most of the time I only take cabin luggage. That usually means a very restrictive amount of cosmetics (50 mL containers). I usually have a zip bag with five 50 mL containers. Well, apparently at Dublin airport my plastic zip bag, was not standard, so I had to buy this 1 euro egg that contains two standard size zip bags, 1 per person (take 5 seconds to see next picture but please get back to this text). The machine that sells these eggs, is very similar to the candy machines; you even turn the coin metal container, that makes a very familiar sound. But I did not have 1 euro coin, and I had all my stuff in that conveyor belt. You know, the place where they basically ask you to do a striptease ("take off your jacket, belts and boots" followed by a meaningless  please). At this point my inner voice starts singing "You can leave your hat on". Then you go through the door stage, and you either beep or you don't!
There are many different ways of being robbed
some more legal than others!

Dublin Airport: the 1 euro bag saga continues

I did not beep, but I had to buy the bloody eggcase with the plastic bags!
The machine that sells these eggs, (unfortunately I was not allowed to take pictures), has a sign saying "There is no need to crush the eggcase, please follow the instructions..."  At this point I thought this is strange, and then I started sweating - it is really difficult to open the damn thing!  Especially when you know that everyone is looking at you with that frown of disapproval. Afterall, I was causing a big delay to the other passengers.But actually, you should crush the bloody thing, you should smash it with your foot, turn it into pieces, and ideally you should aim at the conveyor belt and make sure that one of the tiny plastic pieces ends up stuck in it, and then you really cause a decent mess. When I am tired with a fare bit of jet lag these thoughts usually cross my mind! Anyway I managed to open the eggcase politely, and happily give away my one euro, shampoo and air conditioner... not everything fitted the standard bloody bag!! 
The no change machine Cardiff Airport Bus
This is the amazing machine that sells tickets to go from and to Cardiff International Airport. It looks very old fashion and you need to have 3.90 pounds, EXACT FARE PLEASE.  So you really  need to get some coins. Because there are no shops or cafes nearby you need to go to the exchange office. It is oddly amusing but quite annoying to go to the information desk office where they explain that you need to climb the stairs to the exchange office. If you already have pounds, it is very amusing but time consuming to change a 5 pounder for five 1 pound coins. Luckly the lady driver is very nice and helpful. I truly hope the excess 10 pences that most people pay, is actually a nice tip for her.     
The no change machine
Cardiff Airport Bus
Cardiff airport Female toilet
I love toilet signs

I wonder if the male cleaner in the female toiletes has somethinbg to do with the the additional smoke detection alarms...

Cardiff train station is OKish...but wait until I show you the Bus station!

I love to fly but I hate airports
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I love to fly but I hate airports

Illustrated short stories and oddities while travelling by plane, bus and train!

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