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Unplugged Campaign

"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." - Albert Einstein

It is clear how we have become a global generation who are addicted and reliant on mobile phones and technology. My research has shown me how over-time this has impacted our ability to be empathetic and how it can also have impacts on our health - long term exposure to artificial blue light is bad for the eyes, it slows production of melatonin and in-turn affects our sleeping habits.

However technology does play a pivotal role in our fast evolving society and it would be contradictory for a digitally reliant graphic designer to attempt to even try and discourage it.
In turn, we will never counter-act the advancements of technology, as it is in our human nature to strive forward and push boundaries, but with this campaign I aimed to simply provide a subtle reminder for people not to be as brainwashed by the products and services they consume. 

The Unplugged Challenge is to make small steps towards breaking the habits of brainwashed and addicted social media scrollers, emotions-replaced-by-emoji users and fake-compliment seekers. 
This will involve switching off all devices before 10pm for 2 weeks, so the nation can feel the difference for themselves. Whilst also encouraging more social interaction in general - allowing us to, in turn, create and appreciate more times of empathy with friends and family.

I have used my satirical Illustrations as a mirror, reflecting the social issues and problems of our time... 
The illustrations were then applied to posters and other printed collateral..

I took this a step further and began ironically thinking about how the audience could be attacked at the source, through adapting the campaign to fit the digital platforms too! 

Subtle movements were introduced to each illustration to further draw into the focal point of the campaign and attract attention.​​​​​​​
Unplugged Campaign

Unplugged Campaign

"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots" - Albert Einstein The Unplugged Read More
