Profil użytkownika „Mitchel Coffman”

Performance/Conceptual Art

"8:49" -  By combining interdisciplinary backgrounds of art and athletics, I created large-scale, abstract, conceptual performance pieces. The title "8:49", corresponds with the duration of how long the strongman tractor tire covered in paint was flipped on the canvas non-stop.
"8:49 Series"

The "8:49 Series" was a performance piece that took place at the Savannah Crossfit/MMA Center. It was an art piece/competition between my training partners to see who could flip the tractor tire covered in paint the longest. The competitors were a former college football player, a U.S. Army Ranger, and an MMA fighter. The piece was completed by my training partners because of a double hernia I procured  during the creation of "22:17".   
The tire used to create "22:17", and "8:49" on display at the Highline Loft as a part of a larger solo exhibit
Performance/Conceptual Art

Performance/Conceptual Art

Large-scale, abstract, conceptual art pieces created by interdisciplinary practices merging the worlds of athletics and art.
