Profil użytkownika „Ken Francis”

Community Volunteer Work

Personal logotype
Rave card.  Art direction incorporates a logo created by another designer.  The challenge was to produce a fresh approach to the network’s visual identity, while being respectful of the original work. (4"x7.5")
Seniors Helping Seniors card. Using the leaf’s constituent forms as cropping devices for photography extends and strengthens the message of the original logo. Carefully composed white space offsets the tension of the photographic treatment. (4"x7)
Poster advertisement for a party for senior persons in the LGBTQ community. Abstract dancing figures serve as a democratic representation of our diverse community. (8.5"x11")
Poster. (20"x17") In 2008, the main fund raising event for Pink Triangle Services was relaunched after a 5 year absence. I was asked to design the print collateral for the event. The coloured circles became a recurring motif, serving as icons for the event (venue, time, DJ, catering).
Full page newspaper ad.
Bookmarks  (6"x1.5")
Stickers used at used book fairs and bake sales. The typographic play on ‘08, takes advantage of the circles as a motif. (Actual size.)
In 2009, I was invited to continue the work I started the year before.  The headline and new branding was provided by the client, the work grew around it.  Again, the circles become icons  for the venue, time, ticket sales, catering & music. (11"x17")
Full colour ad. (8"x3")
Community Volunteer Work

Community Volunteer Work

Volunteer work for the LGBTQ community.
