Oliver Holmes once said that‭, "‬language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow‭." ‬Language is more than just a tongue in which people communicate‭; ‬it's a door to the past and future‭. ‬From the Arabic language‭, ‬culures arose and converged‭; ‬and within its lines and diacritics lies a majestic history‭. ‬It is as rich as it is ambiguous‭. ‬This can be traced back to the fact that the huge variety in its dialects can render many speakers of this language‭, ‬unable to understand each other‭.‬

Hamza is my bachelor's thesis project that tackles the linguistic concepts of synonyms as well as homonyms across multiple Arabic dialects. Through this research, I strive to communicate the elegance, eloquence, and the equivocal quality of my language.The aims of this project is to lessen the fog of uncertainty that seems to revolve around the Arabic language by highlighting its nuances and creating a connection between other Arab cultures. The intented audience are young Arabs who find themselves overwhelming by the complexity of the language and simply wish to investigate and learn more about their mother tongue.

Hamza - همزة