BRANSCH's profile

Joerg Reichardt

Joerg Reichardt

living in berlin, joerg reichardt has been a freelance photographer since the eighties. after studying art in basel, switzerland, reichardt was first involved in a number of theatrical and film productions, before dedicating himself exclusively to photographic work in berlin, paris and new york. reichardt has never lost his sense of the theatrical and the dramatic, as is shown by the urgent immediacy of the images he creates.
the photographer's list of customers includes brands, institutions and agencies, among them the bank of austria, deutsche grammophon [german gramophone company], puma, toni gard, kunstpalast duesseldorf [duesseldorf palace of art], tbwa paris, aimaq.rappstolle, berlin, jung von matt and ogilvy & mather.
Joerg Reichardt

Joerg Reichardt

