Custom made glass (created with our input) with logo screen-printed on the bottle, which is used for all 3 varieties of spirits.
A printed and foil-stamped paper label distinguishes the various products.
detail on back of bottle
The Spirit Works line is continually growing and evolving. This is the latest label I created for the new Barrel Gin.
 Image by Ed Anderson
business cards and Guide to Gin booklet. The booklet is the primary marketing piece for the distillery, with a mix of history, distillery info, recipes, and other useful material. 
two foot tall Trade Gothic. Tasty. Image by Frankie Norstad
preliminary branding explorations
Photos below are from the Distillery opening party, by Raen Or Shine photography
the logo was turned into temporary tattoos!
Spirit Works Distillery

Spirit Works Distillery

Ground-up identity and packaging design for emerging craft distillery in Sebastopol, California. Created at Ingalls Design.
