
Duo Performance
Duration: 55 Minutes
Concept and content:  Gamze Ozturk and Carol Montealegre
Event: Holaa Festival - Hoogtij openning, 
Place: Het Nutshuis, Den Haag / The Hague, Netherlands
Date: July 7th 2017

Two women artists whose trained in different culture depict the relationship between each other in a symbolic dimension. While symbolizing this relationship with spontaneity, a satin ribbon produces a kind of collage with the material. This collage, including body, material and space, reaches an expression that reflects the instant interactions of two women - with all their socio-cultural background. At times the artists, who are stagnant and harmonious, and who draw an aggressive and incompatible path, discover the space as an extension of the body and discover that they share a common limb.

Performance's video: https://vimeo.com/313681550

