Noha Aymans profil

Graduation Project "The Magic Flute"

The Magic Flute , is an opera in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a German libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. The work is in the form of a Singspiel, a popular form that included both singing and spoken dialogue. The work premiered on 30 September 1791 at Schikaneder's theatre, the Freihaus-Theater auf der Wieden in Vienna, just two months before the composer's premature death.
In the opera the Queen of the Night persuades Prince Tamino to rescue her daughter Pamina from captivity under the high priest Sarastro; instead, he learns the high ideals of Sarastro's community and seeks to join it. Separately, then together, Tamino and Pamina undergo severe trials of initiation, which end in triumph, with the Queen and her cohorts vanquished. The earthy Papageno, who accompanies Tamino on his quest, fails the trials completely but is rewarded anyway with the hand of his ideal female companion Papagena.
So i decided to make a design set of this opera as a graduation project
in Faculty of Fines arts , Alexandria Universty ,Decor Department 2017 
مشروع تخرج لسنة 2017 
تصميم مناظر مسرحية و ازياء عن اوبرا "الناي السحري"
هي أوبرا من فصلين ألف موسيقاها موتسارت عام 1791، ونصها الألماني إيمانويل شيكانيدير.
إن هذه الأوبرا عبارة عن قصة رمزية تتعلق بالصراع بين ملكة الليل، والتي تمثل الجهل وقمع المعرفة، وبين ساراسترو، وهو الملك الخيِّر المستنير الذي يقوم حكمه على أساس الحكمة والعقل . ويناضل كل من تامينو وباباغينو عن طريق المحاولة والخطأ بين هاتين القوتين المتضادتين لينعما في النهاية بالنعيم على الأرض وبالحب الدائم. وتُعد هذه القصة الخرافية عميقة وخيالية على حدٍ سواء، كما أن هذا العمل هو أحد العروض الرئيسية التي تُقدم في مسارح الأوبرا في جميع أنحاء العالم.
كلية الفنون الجميلة ,جامعة الاسكندرية 
قسم ديكور, شعبة الفنون التعبيرية
The Poster
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Sketch 

Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Modeling 
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Master Scene 
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Shot 1 
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Shot 2
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Shot 3
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Shot 4
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Shot 5
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Plan
Scene 1 " Chase the Snake" .. Elevations
 Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Sketch
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Modeling
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Master scene
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night"
shot 1 with angry mood

Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Shot 2
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Shot 3 with creepy mood
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Shot 4
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Maquette model shot
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Maquette with lighting 1
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Maquette with lighting 2
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Maquette with lighting 3
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" plan
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Elevations
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Making of set 
Scene 2 "The appearance of Queen of night" Making of set 
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" Sketch
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun"..Modeling
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun".. Master Scene
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Shot 1
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Shot 2
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Shot 3
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Plan
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Elevations
Scene 3 "Kingdom of the Sun" .. Making Set
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Sketch
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Modeling
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Master Scene
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Shot 1
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Shot 2
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Shot 3
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Shot 4
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Plan
Scene 4 "The Tree Doors" .. Elevations
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Sketch
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Modeling
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Master Scene
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Shot 1
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Shot 2
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Shot 3
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Shot 4
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " ..  Plan
Scene 5 " The Tree ladies " .. Elevations
The Costumes Designs
Final Presentation
Graduation Project "The Magic Flute"


Graduation Project "The Magic Flute"
