Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the group show "Moments of Happiness". The show was a collaboration between Organisation of Illustrators (OIC) and Creamier. The series, "Enjoy the moment", has a simple narrative sequence that is accompanied with short texts. 

The series started out with an idea that happiness can be spoken softly and need not be declared on top of your lungs. So there came about the concept of small forgotten happiness in our daily lives. 

I want to remind people that you do not need to win the lottery or spend 4000 dollars on a holiday to experience happiness. Regardless of the scale of the event, if it makes you happy, it makes you happy. Just enjoy the moment. 
Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes.
Happiness can be quiet.
Happiness can be very personal.
Happiness can be simple.
Notice the happiness around you and enjoy the moment.
The exhibition space at Creamier.
Enjoy the moment


Enjoy the moment

A mix medium illustration series depicting simple moments of happiness.

