faith fighter 
noun  –  faith·figh·ter  –  /feɪθ fītər/
"Someone who daily, fights the struggles of life, yet claims strength and victory in faith."

Faith Fighters is a web series which purpose is to promote the annual CFC's European Singles Congress which will be held in Hallingdal, Norway July 14–16 2017. There are many figures we can draw inspiration from in the Catholic Faith, may it be The Apostles that walked along side Jesus, The saints and martyrs who died for their faith, The Pope and His peace bringing presence. Faith Fighters, however, focuses on the figures you don't hear from too often, like someone who just tries to live an ernest living, the students and lay missionaries with their daily struggles, Priests and church workers who more than often don't get much recognition for the work they do.

Faith Fighters celebrates exactly this, that the message we need to bring forth is Unity, and that each and every one of us hold an important role in the fore-bringing of faith to generations to come. The theme for #ESC2017 is UNITY.

"So we, through many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another." – Romans 12:5

Episode 1

Meet our first faith fighter, Forcelyn Montilla, 34, former aupair, from Oslo, Norway. Let us be inspired as she shares her story of being both Martha & Mary in her previous line of work. – Luke 10:38–42

Episode 2

Let us be inspired by our second faith fighter, Venice Sto. Tomas, from Vienna, Austria as she shares her story about being a modern day prophet.

Episode 3

Often in life, we can't avoid being witnesses to suffering and grief. But thank God for sending us his comforters in times of discomfort and those who take care of the weak while comforting them with God's promises; His angels in disguise. But even God's warriors go through discourages in their work, let us be inspired by our third faith fighter, Ellise Gallarin, from Ireland, as she shares how she triumphs over her challenges with her faith!

Episode 4

united/yu̇-ˈnī-təd/: made one. 

In the last episode of the Mini-Series: Faith Fighters, let us be inspired by the parish priest, Pål Bratbak, as he talks about witnessing unity in the house of God. 

In the midst of our differences, there is a divine power that unites us and allows our hearts to be embraced in charity. As the definition of "united" states, we are all made one by Him. Let us not forget to be united, together in Christ, surrender everything to Him and stand as one. 

"You are God of all and we stand as one. You are God and we are one."

A concept by Julianne Alejado, Produced by Patrick Huertas, Supervised by Daffodil Dioso, 
with contributions from Sean Huertas, Kassandra Pecho, Cathrine Chalupka, Luise and Eric Durias. 
God Bless

Faith Fighters

Faith Fighters

Faith Fighters is a web series which purpose is to promote the annual CFC's European Singles Congress which will be held in Hallingdal, Norway Ju Læs mere
