Raven 1/3 "silence"

Silence is an art which has the power to get people think and act, it motivates a person to be more effective to his own activity and it also shows good manner. If we remain silent, we can turn our thoughts and focus inwards and gain the power we need to refuel our minds. When there is silence there is time for self-examination. Silence is a great tool for counselors if it is used in the right way. It is also great when listening to friends and family. Silence helps us to work through, in our minds, the events of the day or project what we want to happen during the day ahead.
Raven 2/3 "obscure"

Everything seemed dark, obscure and terrible.
Creates another hell,fear to turn on the light
For the darkness won't go away,Fast, is desire...
Raven 3/3 "a Vision"

Visions are life aims we wish to accomplish at a certain point of time. many of us can actually define our visions precisely, those who can, are the biggest winners.
If you know what you admire most in life and wish to have the same, you’ll most likely make initiatives to achieve your goal. So, vision helps us decide our course of action. But, it can be quite opposite as wel..
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