Denis Yılmazs profil

The Digital Panopticon

The interactive video installation „The Digital Panopticon“ addresses how the phenomenon of smoothness (Byung-Chul Han: „Die Errettung des Schönen“ [engl. „the salvation of the beauty“]) leads to a voluntarily entered digital panopticon where we can rate and judge our behavior at any given moment. In a world where technology is increasingly hidden from our view and blending into everyday objects, we tend to ignore the impact such technologies can have on our daily lives. Self-optimization, home-automation and many other innovations alike give the impression to improve our lives – and we love to use them due to their seamless integration into our lives.
Through the installation, the user enters a world of seamless communication that lacks any physicality. 

The installation utilizes a leap motion controller, hue light controllers, a 180° fish-eye camera and is built within Unity3D.
The Digital Panopticon

The Digital Panopticon

