This is the last project I've been developing with my beloved camera before it was stolen to my step bro .

In the middle of the anger and sadness I want to share it with all of you. I really don't know how many months I will be without camera (business are complicated right now) and for that reason consider this project a farewell to the photographic world for a while.

In any case I will keep my sketches, writings and of course thoughts around photography as usual.

I hear somebody telling that photography its not about images but about answers and in that case this project include a lot of answers about me, my memory, my perceptions of what means "reality", about my role as a parent... a lot of questions answered using images.

I hope you will enjoy it and share your critics and opinions, thanks in advance. 

Dear Silvino González Morales,

I am pleased to inform you that your photograph ‘Through-the-looking-glass-1’ has been awarded Highly Commended in The Photographic Angle’s Competition, Not As It Seems. Congratulations!

Proud of be included in the last number of Room181 Fanzine:

Thanks guys for the invitation.
Through the looking glass


Through the looking glass

Surreal images created as a homage to memory and years lost.
