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好色一代男 The Life of an Amorous Man

2017  麥田出版


“The Life of an Amorous Man” is a masterpiece of social realism literature and Ukiyo-e is the kind of art close to the public, therefore I chose the erotic print of Ukiyoe as the main image of the cover. On the other hand, the logotype design expresses the evil influence of eroticism. Regarding the color combinations, I think nude color with tangerine is more in line with man’s base desire.

proposal B of back cover

proposal B of cover 
好色一代男 The Life of an Amorous Man

好色一代男 The Life of an Amorous Man

《好色一代男》是社會寫實文學的巨作,而浮世繪也是非常貼近民間的藝術, 因此選擇了浮世繪的春畫做為封面主圖, 標準字的設計,則是想捕捉帶有好色意味的邪氣感, 而配色上,我想裸膚色搭上橘紅色很符合赤裸的本能慾望。
