Volvo Wagon Taiwan   汽車動畫廣告

這次,就讓我們用短短的影片,帶大家走過 Volvo Wagon 的發展史,經由資訊設計,

In response to every stage of time, VOLVO has launched various of fine cars with different functions, forms, and shapes. The development history of Volvo Wagon is shown this short video. Through the infographics, we can learn about the features and changes of VOLVO classic cars, tracing back to those days and reconnect with the atmosphere and lifestyle.

Production Manager:柯沛初 Coco ko 曾凱依 Queena Zeng
Creative Director:胡家綾 Jialing Hu
Script:柯沛初 Coco Ko
Style frame Designer :李岱螢 Dyin Li 曾敏雅 Mia Zeng 黃苡蓁 I-Chen Huang
Motion Designer:夏浩泉 Roy Hsia 周柏彤 Ichiten Chou 胡家綾 Jialing Hu
Music&Sound Design:王文星 Wenhsing Wang
Release:Jul. 2017.



The Design Fuse with Times

n the video, every car shows with corresponding background scenarios and different characters. We focused on collecting recreation information in a decade - from 5 years before through 5 years after the car was officially released - including movies, fashion, clothes, trends, traveling, and the popular visual design styles in those days.
By searching information from every stage of time, the lifestyle-integrated models were presented. It enables us, who lives in modern lives, to look back the aesthetics of those days, and to review the transition from the "past" to the "present".

為了忠實呈現車體的造型,在設計上也做了各種色彩和線條的配置測試 。

To fully present styles of vehicles, the layout of colors and lines were tested repeatedly during design.
On the other hand, drawing lines of marker pens with different length and colors were put to use to reflect the process of the segment evolution in a light rhythm. The color tones along with retro-printing-liked overlapping and derangement created a vivid visual effect. Meanwhile, to echo its origin and brand feature, the delightful Nordic color palettes were also adopted in the video.

Duett (1949-1969)

Amazon P220 (1962-1969)

1800ES (1971-1973)

245 (1974-1993)

960 (1990-1997)

850 (1993-1996)

V60 (2011-)

V90 (2015-)


Obtaining information from fashion magazines and reports of all ages; studying people's wearing, popular colors and recreation trends of the time, every time of looking back to history has enriched every scene with details and simultaneously emphasized their characters.

Volvo Wagons