Initial art direction and mocks for one of my client. This was created around 1 or 2 months back at the conjunction of Hari Raya in Malaysia. Wanted to create the look & feel of portraying fun, merrier environment when they usually back to their 'kampung' during Raya like chit-chatting while having delicious raya foods and kids playing fireworks around.

Most importantly, have a safe journey! *as the accident rates are more likely to be higher than usual during festive season.*
Logo for Ria Raya 2012.
UI for buttons. The left one was created by one my colleague and I tweaked it a lil.
Lastly, one of the interface! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! :)
Ria Raya 2012

Ria Raya 2012

Greetings for Hari Raya 2012 :)
