Luis Ribeiros profil

Shawn Mendes - Illuminate Tour

Shawn Mendes - Illuminate Tour
Whilst part of the team at Treatment studio and directed by Simon Russell, I was involved in the production of the visuals for Shawn Mendes – Illuminate tour.
I was responsible for compositing and animating “particle Shawn” to be later combined with several other elements and particles.

Creative Director: Paul Caslin
Animation Director: Simon Russell
Animation: Marcus Chaloner, Susana Caldeira, Rolsavo Melo, Luis Ribeiro
Director of Photography: James Westbrook
Executive Producers: Sam Pattinson, Lizzie Pocock
Technical Director: Dave Shepherd, Alex Eckford
LIDAR: Henry Bennett/Luminous
Video Assistant: Sam Brickman
Client: Shawn Mendes
Audio: Shawn Mendes
Produced @ Treatment
Year: 2017

Shawn Mendes - Illuminate Tour


Shawn Mendes - Illuminate Tour

Live tour visuals
