Profil użytkownika „Vlada Shamova”

Burgundy 1 (my first sketch book)

Art is my life, I draw every day, but not many people know about that and see it. But some of them keep asking like: «Where can we find your sketches, see them again particularly and share with our friends? » Or «When will you post all the stuff you are creating into the internet?
Finally I decided to post my sketch books' photos. "Burgundy 1" is my first one; I started it when I was 18 or 19. It took a looooong time to fulfill the pages and even more to make photos and post it to the web.
Here they are. Just simple photos without any postproduction. Enjoy
Burgundy 1 (my first sketch book)


Burgundy 1 (my first sketch book)

Sketchbook photos. Places, nature, imagination, techniques... Pen, pencils, markers...
