The "Pinwheels for Peace Project" was started in 2005 by two Art Teachers, Ann Ayers and Ellen McMillian, who teach at Coconut Creek High School.  It was a way for students to express their feelings about war, peace, tolerance, cooperation, harmony and unity as a way to take a stance against violence in the world.  it is in coordination with International Peace Day, September 21.
Staging the pinwheel poles for September 21st.....International Peace Day.
Linda Clark 

25 poles, 247 pinwheels
Created by 1st and 2nd Grade Students
They do spin in the wind.
Medium: Crayon on paper
The pinwheels are mounted on 25 eight foot poles that then line the sidewalk located outside the main office.
2nd Grade Students with their pinwheels.  Featured on the Polk County School Board Website, Top Banner and News, 2012.
Pinwheels for Peace

Pinwheels for Peace

1st and 2nd grade students create designs using symbols of peace to create their pinwheel.
