DCSAAC Logo Design
Short brief:
To design a logo that embodied the essence of D.C. in conjunction with sexual assault advocacy. DCSAAC is a program to accredit community advocates who will work with sexual assault survivors in the District of Columbia. Key adjectives to describe the brand include: Elegant, Simple, Professional, Contemporary, Stylish, Trustworthy, Timeless.

The process:
Beginning with the briefing with the creative director after client meetings, I first dove into researching what other advocates in the sexual assault industry were doing - and it was essential to ensure that we matched the essence of what sexual assault advocacy is all about, but also doing it in a new and unique way to DCSAAC.

Mood Boarding/Inspiration:
Final Result:
After a few rounds of digital concepts, the client landed on a great option that really symbolized DC, Sexual Assault Advocacy and Education. 

The concept here is to incorporate the DC flag within a symbol that encompasses a sense of safety, accomplishment, security and much more. A symbol that can have meaning to different people so anyone can relate on all levels.
One of the main goals of the logo redesign was to be able to make the logo badge-able. Utilizing the icon mark of the logo alone as a symbol of achievement was essential in the creation of the logo.
Done as Freelance work for Pulse Forward
Creative Director: Kate Purcell
DCSAAC Branding

DCSAAC Branding

A logo design for an organization in DC working with sexual assault advocacy.
