Gobot - On the Road Again
This is the second video I made for the Gobot character for AAA's Marketing Department.  It highlights the services provided by the Emergency Roadside Service technicians of AAA.
Bay News 9 Demo Reel
This is a demo reel of my best work from Bay News 9, a 24 hour news station in Tampa.  It includes station ID's for holidays, news coverage and special programs.
McAfee - Need-to-Know & Least Privilege
I worked with McAfee to create and animate an internal security training video for their company. I used Illustrator to
create the graphics and After Effects to create the video.
Gobot DVD Intro
This dvd intro video was created for internal use in AAA's Marketing Department to highlight Gobot - a robot from the future who is an ambassador for AAA and it's services.
Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics
