Profil von Angelika Ejtel

│photography is poetry│

"Zapięta na guzik tęsknota"
(Eng. The Buttoned Longing)

inspired by the poetry of H. Poświatowska
(March 22, 2017)
Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.

uszyta ze słów
zapięta na guzik
tęsknota -- przywarła ciasno
i teraz sprawdzam
pory dnia
odwracam rano
żeby spojrzeć w twoje oczy otwarte

woven from words
the longing -- holds fast
and now I inspect
the times of day
I turn the morning over
so as to look into your open eyes
poetry by H. Poświatowska (excerpt)
English translation by M. Lugowski
│photography is poetry│

│photography is poetry│

inspired by the poetry of H. Poswiatowska translated from the Polish by Marek Lugowski

