Vimini is italian for wicker. 
It is a material used for woven objects such as baskets made from cane-like materials. 
The name comes from a passion for the traditions and the old. 
Vimini aims to revaluate apparel and other things from the past. Through the research of clothing in secondhand markets, friends wardrobes or neighbours' garages the collection of clothing is becoming always more and 
more diverse and unique. Clothing which became iconic in the past pop eras. Influenced by the advertising campaigns in the designs of the 70s, 80s and 90s, fashion brands have experienced a massive change and gradually attracted sub-cultures in the fashion system, elevating the meaning of clothes to something more than just cotton and fabrics. 
Vimini is a research in the clothes that need to be remembered and revalued.
Stefano Laddomada 
Franco Dubini 
logo design

Berlin Spring/Summer 2017

follow on Instagram: vimini_clothing