Loved an ayah? Bookmark it!

QforQuran now offers the exclusive bookmark feature that allows you to save your favorite ayahs and come back to read anytime you want! Try it now!

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With QforQuran app you can easily set Quran reading goals and track your as well the community's progress!

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One Ummah. One Quran.

QforQuran - the only Quran app that brings the Muslim Ummah together through Quran. 

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QforQuran world's first community driven, habit building Quran Recitation platform!
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QforQuran now lets you create online Quran Khwani events for your deceased loved ones and invite your friends to complete Quran with you.
Create you Quran event now and send the rewards of Quran recitation to your loved ones.🙂
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QforQuran now lets you track your personal and global progress. Keep reading more Quran every day.
One Ummah. One Quran.

QforQuran - the only Quran app that brings the Muslim Ummah together through Quran. 

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