Evan Knight's profile

Faded Paper Figures // Website Screenshots & Mockups

Here is the final home page of the site.
This is the music section of the site.  Each album cover has a custom jQuery animate function that gives a nice swinging opacity effect.
This is the lyrics section.  It was hard to create this section because it needed to show a lot of information in a small space, depending on browser and device size.  I used a jQuery slider and simple div scrolling for the lyrics area.  One awesome thing about this section is that the band linked a good majority of their lyrics to their meaning.
Here is the evolution of mock-ups.
Here is the header I made for their Bandcamp and Vibedeck pages. 
Here is the top half of the html email I made for their new album release.
Faded Paper Figures // Website Screenshots & Mockups

Faded Paper Figures // Website Screenshots & Mockups

A website I did for the band Faded Paper Figures. http://fadedpaperfigures.com
