Now you can see me

National Scientific Students' Associations Conference in Hungary
Fine Art/graphic section

         The goal of my work is to give an interpretation of the protagonist's character of the well-known Bluebeard story. I made this visual interpretation regarding the psychological mechanisms how we recognize and judge other people.
          I gave emphasis to the literary motif (topos) of prohibition whose violation always involves punishment. By violating the prohibition, the secret itself gets damaged, or even has transformed and changed.
         Differences in interpretation of Bluebeard's character show how much we evaluate and judge others based on our subjective presuppositions and previous experiences.             Interpretations vary in victimizing either Judith or the Bluebeard who revealed himself to her. Some blame the man’s incapability of intimacy, while others blame the woman for her insistence in “stripping the man naked”.
          My present work, which was born from different inspirations, consists of two layers. 
The upper layer shows our face visible for the outside world. It can be rubbed off or removed – but it cannot be restored. If somebody gets to know us his/her knowledge is no longer possible to forget or hide again, similarly to the scratch tickets.

          I intended to make the unfolding second layer detailed and abounding in symbols in order to make space for various interpretations correspondingly to the Bluebeard story itself.
          The complex second layer includes my feelings about the Bluebeard character, but I hope it will not mean the same for everybody. As in real life we have very different, often contrary, opinion or judgement concerning the same person.
Work process and a little "help"
Now you can see me


Now you can see me

The goal of my work is to give an interpretation of the protagonist's character of the well-known Bluebeard story. I made this visual interpretat Read More
