This is our graduation project of Communication & Multimedia Design 2017 at Avans hogeschool Den Bosch.
Made by: Max Slavenburg & Jesse van den Berg

How we began
Our research question was how we could make people aware of the nature/environmental issues we are dealing with now. We used this as a starting point, to look how we could come up with a theme through research and experiments. We came across the world from above. ee were fascinated about the interesting images we saw. We where curious nature could tell us from a different point of few. It is something that humans never see and that’s a pity. Then we found the migration routes from several birds. There where a lot of interesting routes but the story of Astrid immediately took our attention.

Birds are always around us, from pigeons to storks. But there is a big change that you don’t realize what a bird ever saw in his life. With this book, Astrid, we wan’t you to tell the story  of a bird.

A big story with a lot of interesting aspects. This book is about Astrid, a montagu’s harrier. Let you fascinate about Astrids story, the long roads she traveled and the beautiful landscapes she see’s. 
Hoe we zijn begonnen:
Onze onderzoeksvraag was als volgt geformuleerd: ‘Wij willen onze fascinatie met natuurlijke processen en de zorg over de omgang met de natuur combineren in ons afstudeerproject om tot een verassend product of dienst te komen, waarmee we mensen bewuster maken dat ons gedrag direct invloed heft / consequenties heeft op de wereld.

Watch our book:
In total there has been 56 Montagu's harriers followd by GPS sensors. We also made a website to show all the flying routes in a global way. 
公開日 :