Perfil de Barbara Bjeliš

Summer in the City/for DAB2017

Project was created for the Drava Art Biennale 2017 as one of the chosen artists for this year.
The exhibition was themed around water in a public space.

Living in Zagreb, it is impossible to escape the growing number of fountains put up by our mayor, Milan Bandić. Investments are measured in millions. Are there really no more pressing matters to invest in right now? At the same time, the project of integrating our local river, Sava, into public life, and building content around it was never brought to life.

In the summertime, these fountains become something more than just the city's ornament. They become a beach. People bring their towels, take in the sun, teach their kids to swim.. All that fun summer activities. Shame on them? Or is it a anthropological phenomena?

Lacking a natural beach, the people decided to use what is at hand in the mid-summer heat. It is an evolution: from an ornamental purpose, the fountains became a real human need.

The work is consisted of a series of photographs followed by audio notes. All audio was recorded on location and it reflects the surrounding highways, the sound of the water itself and the visitors present at the time of recording.
Thank you to the wonderful curators from the Musem of the city of Koprivnica, and to my model Ana.
Summer in the City/for DAB2017
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Summer in the City/for DAB2017

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