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Gloom Fairytale Card Game

The world of Fairytale Gloom is a sad and benighted place
In the Fairytale Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of the beloved, classic stories of your youth. Fairytale Gloom is on the way, like a magical, flying godmother ready to perturb you with peas, foil you with fairies, and surprise you with spiders.
Let's face it: Fairy tales are awful. Wolves and old women eat children, giants fall from the sky, and even young girls break-and-enter to steal porridge from unsuspecting families. 
In Fairytale Gloom, custom collections of fairy tale characters like Jack, Gretel, Puss in Boots, and Little Red Riding Hood do their best to stay happy, but circumstances conspire to rain woe on their sad, benighted heads. 
Eventually, enough Unhappy Endings come to pass that the game ends. And then? The most miserable collection of characters wins
Printed on transparent plastic cards, Gloom features an innovative design by noted RPG author Keith Baker. Fairytale Gloom is a stand-alone game that's also compatible with all existing Gloom core games and expansions. 
See more at Atlas Games Website
Gloom Fairytale Card Game

Gloom Fairytale Card Game
